The title is a little misleading. I’m actually starting to get really excited over some of the changes I started or was thinking about this previous fall and am now implementing.
The first is my budgeting. I’ve at least gotten it written down and I’m trying to follow it. There are some things I’m surprised to discover I haven’t accounted for in the budget plan. I’m finding I have to adjust. But I am getting better about tracking my spending. Go me!
Next, I’m tackling 2nd shift again. Long story short, several people at work quit and there was a hole in the schedule that I moved to fill. I was all “woe is me” from the moment I agreed to do it. (I could have pushed it off on another coworker but I try to be a team player when I can to set an example. Plus in the past I’ve gotten pretty lucky on not having a crazy schedule too bad. So it’s my turn to take one for the team, right?)
As soon as I let some folk know I’d be missing out on evening activities (shift is 4:30pm-2:30am) I got some really encouraging and frankly, admonishing responses. As soon as I started changing my thinking I realized it’s all about perspective.
Instead of all “poor Mikki” it was responses like Mike who said “Sometimes God prunes fruit bearing vines so they can bear more fruit.” and “Keep focused on His [God’s] will.” There was Kathie who said “On the bright side you aren’t going to third!” and “joy of second shift: plenty of sunshine…” My dad quoted a cousin of mine who’s said “stuff doesn’t happen *to* believers. It happens *for* us because it is first filtered through His love.” Stephen wrote “Sometimes a change of things are good,” and “God will bless you because he loves you.” Stephanie said “He only does what’s good for us.”
Well, a couple weeks in and I have found that to be so very true. Again I might add. This is not the first and I suspect not the last time God will “surprise” me by having better plans for me than I have for myself.
Somehow I get to thinking that I know best. I can do this on my own. I’m doing so well now……
Except I’m not doing it on my own and I really don’t know best. Jesus blesses me in countless ways every day that I am, frankly, oblivious and/or ignorant of.
More change coming. It’s good. It’s going to be tough. There’s a bright streak of silver in the storm clouds forming. I’m focusing on the silver lining. God can handle the storms.
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