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BigStuf, GNO, Muay Thai and little 'ol me

Well, I have been alternately super busy and recovering on my couch (sometimes other people's couches too).

Highlights from June so far:

1) I was a "counselor" for BigStuf camp in Panama Beach City, FL! Camp in a decentish hotel on the beach is totally the way to go. (Ironically my mom was at a Christian Writer's Workshop weekend in a cabin out in the wilderness. Ha!)

It was a great experience and I would do it again next year if they need me. The worship rocked, a little loud sometimes, the speakers were dynamically in tune with God and each other. I mean, seven sessions that flowed together between two guys. That's pretty cool. And totally a God thing. The Skit Guys MC'ed the event and were hilarious. Zuma Zuma performed the first morning, which was very neat. The 410 Bridge was all about sending Bibles to Kenya, which I did buy two. I bought one for a boy named Peter and a girl named Milicent.

PLUS-we had three kids make decisions to follow Christ! Whoohooo!!!

I got to swim in the Gulf of Mexico, collect a few little shells from the beach and be my crazy self. I did have to pull out the authoritative voice from time to time; I still can't believe I was the oldest there. I mean, I'm like 5 years older than our student pastor. That's funny.

The students were a great group. They really melded quickly. I'm so glad I got to see the awesome experiences with God that they had. And I had a few myself.

2) G.N.O. aka Girl's Night Out : High School Edition. We started with movie and pizza and hangout time at my place. This last weekend a couple girls and I participated in a mini-golf fundraiser for a family homeless shelter in the area. Fabulous time.

I'm excited to see our girls solid in their faith continue growing and connect them with girls who are unsure or not quite there when it comes to trusting Jesus. Trying to isolate three or four I should be mentoring; part of my youth volunteer covenant and also it's really rewarding and such a blessing.

Next up: we'll do a craft/scrapbook night, a move night for Expelled, a movie night for an IJM film, and I think we should do another outreach/volunteer thing.

3) Muay Thai is so great. I need to get on the ball and start adding other stuff to it though. It doesn't matter how much Muay Thai I do if all I eat is bad stuff. I have a sweet tooth, an amazing craving for carbs and little sense of portion control. I'm tired of my middle and my thighs. I think/feel like they're holding back in Muay Thai. ('Course that could just be in my head.)

In all this, I'm comforted by how much work Christ still has to do in me. I'm very far from perfect. And I know I'm not near the finish line.

Paul writes to the Philippians this:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil 1:3-6)
Paul's message is the same millennium later to believers. The good work God's doing in me continues.

That's pretty cool.


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