Ah yes, the job hunt. Every college graduates dreaded 1st step into the "real" world. Long story short, I moved to Indiana for a job, moved into my first apartment, got hooked up with a great church, and met an amazing friend who introduced me around and helped me find connections. It's funny how fast memory fades. I really don't remember much until I start looking at pictures or my check book or email. I had no family or friends when I first moved to Indiana; so it was a “I'm-trusting-God-to-survive” time in my life. There were ups and downs. I made lots of friends, many I'm still in touch with and others I've lost contact. I continue to make friends, and have come to realize that friends are not always friends forever. Well, you're still friends, but the nature of your relationships is always changing, because people change. I began getting involved with my church's singles group. In a few years, I actually found myself in a place of leadership. ...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.