So I know that you're reading this and are just dying to know how my devotions are going. Well, it's going well. I was over ambitious even in my "small" plan.
This was actually a big plan....
1) Read the scripture that goes with the Daily Bread entry2) Read the Daily Bread entry3) Read the Chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the day's date4) Write in S.O.A.P. journal about one of the Bible readings of the day5) Write down prayers
The part of the plan that has gone really well is this: eating within an hour of waking up and doing my daily quiet time before I get to play with my blackberry. The first thing I look at is my Daily Bread email. Then I grab the bible I keep next to my bed and read the scripture that goes with the devotion.
I've actually been getting up at 0430 on my work days. That gives me time for devotions, getting ready and out the door to get to work a little before 0600. (I work a 10 hour shift from 6am to 4pm). I've been enjoying getting up and praying on my way to work. It has truly been a delight!
For days I'm off, there's no computer, TV or blackberry before devotions and some prayer time. That has held up. Praise the Lord!
I am getting in the habit of a weekly meeting with a friend of mine. Currently we're meeting in a coffee shop that shall remain nameless because I don't want to plug their overpriced coffee. You know the place.
My friend and I meet and just spend time doing our separate devotions. We talk a little at the beginning and occasionally share an insight or answer but mostly we just do our our thing. We talk a bit afterward, catching up and sharing.
We plan to get together to spend time by ourselves. Sounds silly but its really great. A mutual friend of ours suggested it and we've found that we enjoy it. It's great for just having someone there to study with; it's someone with which to be accountable.
As for serving...I have found mostly "small" ways to serve others. By the quotation marks I mean I think they're small but I don't know that for sure. I can't say what impact I've made.
So I'm off to tomorrow soon. I'm going to work on improving my quiet time in the morning and doing more. I guess I'm going to have to be patient with myself as I grow. With God all things are possible.
I dare you to find God tomorrow and be joyful. I know I will look for Him.
I have tried and tried to do morning qt's. I cannot. I am NOT a morning person. I do my prayer time in the morning and qts at lunch or most of the time in the evening. I am a night owl in some ways. My brain does not function in the morning. I am glad you can get up so early! I am still snoring at 4:30 am and have no way of trying to get up so early. Maybe when the baby comes but I will be trying to go right back to bed till a decent hour in the morn. :) Glad you are doing well in your devo's :)
ReplyDeleteThe group you were talkin about was Bel biv devo right? (80's hip hop)