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Devoted Part I

Recently I enlisted a bit of help from family and friends. I am struggling with doing devotions every day, reading my Bible, and dedicating myself to a time of prayer. I have been very selfish with my time and ignoring God a lot. When I started to ignore my friends and skip Bible Study, I realized things were going too far.

I surveyed, in a most unscientific manner, the patterns and routines, or lack thereof, of those I knew professed belief in Christ. What did they do for devotions (or daily quiet time as it often known as)? How did they ensure prayer was a priority? What had worked in the past and what was currently working for them? When did they take time to read the Bible and spend focused time with God?

Starting with some good ‘ol maternal advice, my mom had a number of suggestions for me.

Start small. Read a little devotional article (one of those tiny one page book thingies) with breakfast.
Write a few sentences of a prayer/spiritual to do list. Such as:
1. find 3 things I am thankful for today--and tell God about them
2. read my Bible Study thingy for Wed. night (you seem to do a lot of Books but also read the Bible, so maybe find time later to read that stuff)
3. call my accountability partners and check in
4. write my blog entry
If you have more time later, read more!

Good advice, mom. I have managed to get some of those done this weekend.

I have a couple cousins who are pastors and one sent me a link for his church’s website to download some study materials that might help.

His advice was to use a
• S.O.A.P.Y journal (see title link and go to the Resources and then downloads for the journal packets)
• Write about everything
• Less sugar, more veggies!

He is not the last to mention eating right and getting exercise. In fact, his wife mentioned exercising and being healthy; not necessarily conforming to some artificial image society says I have to fit. She also had some good ways she makes time for God. That seems like it would be hard with four kids. My cousin mentions
• Devotions during afternoon naptime
• Flexibility because her routine had changed many times over the years
• Pray while driving and just be quiet before God

My aunt had a rather appropriate idea, since I am fond of music and can carry a tune. She said it’s good to look up and sing old hymns and gospel songs.

“Tune” in tomorrow for more.


  1. Mikki, although I go to church and pray most days, I, too, have been struggling to do devotions (while reading plenty of fiction/nonfiction/fun stuff). I need to find a little devotion book (they give them out at my church) and stick with it. So know you're not alone. Oh, and exercise and vegetables rock!


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