Uh....'cause it always comes before I fall?
Seriously, doing so well the last few weeks. On a total high spiritually and BAM! Helloooo temptation! Did I resist? A few days ago, not so much. I wish I could say I at least struggled a little. But I let myself be caught off guard. Sheilds down, no defensive measures activated....you get the idea.
Thank God for his grace and mercy. He loves me when I mess up. I talked with a good friend who reminded me that Christ died for my sins. All of them.
There's something I've heard from a couple pastors and read in a book recently. I can't remember any specific reference but I'm going to say it anyway. Either sin keeps you from the Bible or the Bible keeps your from sin.
So true just from looking at my life the last couple of weeks. So I dived back into the Word via, well, the Word. :) I'm also keeping Every Woman's Battle Promise Book close to me. Lots of great scripture grouped by promises. Example sections include 'I promise to show you my ways' and 'I promise you sweet surrender'.
The other book I'm reading right now is Living by the Book. Its by James Mongomery Boice and it is an in depth commentary for Psalm 119. A wonderful chapter in Psalms that I suggest reading. It's the longest chapter in the Bible and centers wholly on God's word and how important it is. The psalmist praises God's decrees and precepts and laws and commands and ways. There are very few verses in this 176 verse chapter that do not specifically mention the word of God.
Certainly if you are feeling like you don't feel connected to God, the answer I've found (and am refinding) is to dive head first into his word. The best way to know God is to hear his voice and he wrote an entire book for us!
"Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Seriously, doing so well the last few weeks. On a total high spiritually and BAM! Helloooo temptation! Did I resist? A few days ago, not so much. I wish I could say I at least struggled a little. But I let myself be caught off guard. Sheilds down, no defensive measures activated....you get the idea.
Thank God for his grace and mercy. He loves me when I mess up. I talked with a good friend who reminded me that Christ died for my sins. All of them.
There's something I've heard from a couple pastors and read in a book recently. I can't remember any specific reference but I'm going to say it anyway. Either sin keeps you from the Bible or the Bible keeps your from sin.
So true just from looking at my life the last couple of weeks. So I dived back into the Word via, well, the Word. :) I'm also keeping Every Woman's Battle Promise Book close to me. Lots of great scripture grouped by promises. Example sections include 'I promise to show you my ways' and 'I promise you sweet surrender'.
The other book I'm reading right now is Living by the Book. Its by James Mongomery Boice and it is an in depth commentary for Psalm 119. A wonderful chapter in Psalms that I suggest reading. It's the longest chapter in the Bible and centers wholly on God's word and how important it is. The psalmist praises God's decrees and precepts and laws and commands and ways. There are very few verses in this 176 verse chapter that do not specifically mention the word of God.
Certainly if you are feeling like you don't feel connected to God, the answer I've found (and am refinding) is to dive head first into his word. The best way to know God is to hear his voice and he wrote an entire book for us!
"Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
How true that we need the Word to stay close to God. I wonder why we neglect it when we know we need it. Maybe we take our relationship with God for granted and don't take the time to nurture it? Next thing we know...BAM! *faceplant on the floor*