It's very weird. I'm just saying, the contradictions of humanity still blow my mind. I don't get me.
Forgiveness comes so easily at times. Other moments and situations it's a concerted effort. When it comes to other people it's natural to assume forgiveness will have to enter into all of one's relationships. People are flawed and fallen and will let you down.
There are some people that will enter your life who will let you down much less than others. But from my time on this earth I can guarentee that everyone you know will let you down, someway, somehow, sometime.
That's not to say the relationship will be permantantly damaged.
It could be in the smallest way in which a person fails to meet your expectations. Such trival matters are easy to forgive and forget and leave in the past. There are, of course, larger issues that will bend and strain your patience. These situations grow to mountain size and often appear insurmontable. At least at first glance.
Remembering the other person is 1) made in the image of God, 2) is fallable, and 3) is loved and forgiven by God reminds one that who am I to hold a grudge? When the Creator and Designer of the entire universe has chosen to forgive and forget, to separate our mistakes adn sins as far as the east is from the west? Who am I to say he's wrong? Who am I to say no, I will not forgive?
Yet the hardest person I find to forgive is me.
It seems very self centered. It is. Let's face it, I am a selfish creature. Being single lends to that attitude far too often. The illusion of being one's master, in control of my schedule to do what I please, when I please, where I please is very strong.
I sin. I stumble. I dive after this world and my own self desires and pleasures and my eyes focus down to me instead of being on Jesus. The world starts to fall apart. The tears flow in sorrow and shame and humilation and pain. I'm so unworthy of everything God has bestowed. Why does he continue to bless when I continue to fail him? How can he still love me when I don't know if I really love myself?
There's no real bright end to this blog. This is where I leave you, my reader.
My plan for today: I will get up and dust myself off and I will be faithful to my first love today. I can be true to God for today. That's all I need to concern myself with. I tell myself I forgive you. I tell myself I love you. I tell myself that the Messiah loves you. He'll never stop loving me, even when I find it hard to do myself.
Forgiveness comes so easily at times. Other moments and situations it's a concerted effort. When it comes to other people it's natural to assume forgiveness will have to enter into all of one's relationships. People are flawed and fallen and will let you down.
There are some people that will enter your life who will let you down much less than others. But from my time on this earth I can guarentee that everyone you know will let you down, someway, somehow, sometime.
That's not to say the relationship will be permantantly damaged.
It could be in the smallest way in which a person fails to meet your expectations. Such trival matters are easy to forgive and forget and leave in the past. There are, of course, larger issues that will bend and strain your patience. These situations grow to mountain size and often appear insurmontable. At least at first glance.
Remembering the other person is 1) made in the image of God, 2) is fallable, and 3) is loved and forgiven by God reminds one that who am I to hold a grudge? When the Creator and Designer of the entire universe has chosen to forgive and forget, to separate our mistakes adn sins as far as the east is from the west? Who am I to say he's wrong? Who am I to say no, I will not forgive?
Yet the hardest person I find to forgive is me.
It seems very self centered. It is. Let's face it, I am a selfish creature. Being single lends to that attitude far too often. The illusion of being one's master, in control of my schedule to do what I please, when I please, where I please is very strong.
I sin. I stumble. I dive after this world and my own self desires and pleasures and my eyes focus down to me instead of being on Jesus. The world starts to fall apart. The tears flow in sorrow and shame and humilation and pain. I'm so unworthy of everything God has bestowed. Why does he continue to bless when I continue to fail him? How can he still love me when I don't know if I really love myself?
There's no real bright end to this blog. This is where I leave you, my reader.
My plan for today: I will get up and dust myself off and I will be faithful to my first love today. I can be true to God for today. That's all I need to concern myself with. I tell myself I forgive you. I tell myself I love you. I tell myself that the Messiah loves you. He'll never stop loving me, even when I find it hard to do myself.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins. Psalm 130
How true that it is often just as hard, if not harder, to forgive oneself than to forgive others. It's almost like we expect perfection of ourselves while accepting the imperfection of others, all the while knowing that the only perfect being is God Himself.