Creator be praised
Let all Your creatures and creations
Live to exalt You
The works of Your hand
Every glance I take is full of You
I see it in the flowers’ tranquility
In the swirling tornado
The crushing tsunami
The shuddering earthquake
I feel Your power
Awesome in destructive force
I feel it in the prairies’ stillness
I feel it in the mists of twilight
I feel it in the scorching sun
I hear it in the erupting volcano
I see it in the serene night sky
In the spring blooms
The summer heat
The colors of fall
I understand the cycle You have set
Though amidst constant transition
© Michelle Post
Let all Your creatures and creations
Live to exalt You
The works of Your hand
Your creation
Your design
Your plan
Every glance I take is full of You
All these wonders
They are Yours to
Praise You alone
I feel it in the winds’ fury
I hear it in the mountains’ rumbleI see it in the flowers’ tranquility
In the swirling tornado
The crushing tsunami
The shuddering earthquake
I feel Your power
Awesome in destructive force
I feel it in the prairies’ stillness
I hear it in the forests’ jubilee
I see it in the rivers’ exhilaration
In the morning sunrise
In the morning sunrise
The fresh fallen snow
The aurora borealis
I see Your beauty
Breathtaking in scope
I feel it in the mists of twilight
I hear it in the falling leaves
I see it in the budding blossoms
In the babbling creek
The night crickets
The rustling grasses
I hear the music of Your heart
Soothing in quiet comfort
I feel it in the scorching sun
I see it in the serene night sky
In the spring blooms
The summer heat
The colors of fall
I understand the cycle You have set
Though amidst constant transition
I feel it in the storms’ downpour
I hear it in the oceans’ roar
I see it in the rainbows’ promise
In the light of a full moon
The glow of sunset
The flash of lightning
I experience Your splendor
Glorious in majesty
All these wonders
These daily miracles
Surround and remind me
Of Your love
Of Your love
Let me drink in the riches
Let me drink in the riches
Never to forget
The Creator
© Michelle Post
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