Monday was the terrible day of writer’s
block when no words were
forthcoming despite
ample inspiration in the backyard garden;
even had to write this description on Tuesday.
Tuesday was the catch up day
had pages and pages to write to stay on schedule with the next novel
but then was sidetracked by the word of the day calendar……..pleonastic…….
spent hours trying to convince the dog it was a real
Wednesday was a writer’s dream,
the muse was on fire—
simile after metaphor after hyperbole after paragraph
flew from my fingertips onto the page. well, keyboard that is.
somewhere in the middle of it all, I started missing my pencil.
Thursday. huh. never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Friday was frantic…
attempted to come up with something new
for the rap off at the coffee house.
knew that anything less than spectacular would be
deconstructed to oblivion
by that guy from the times that always sits
at the third table from the left in the second row.
Saturday, took a siesta…
then guilt got the better of me, so wrote up a grocery list.
think it’s Pulitzer Prize material.
Sunday made it all worthwhile
when he picked up my manuscript, read it and smiled.
wrote a haiku about that smile.
it goes:
‘uncertainty is
no more as his lips part,
let the light shine on’
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