I gave up Facebook for Lent. It wasn't my idea. I read about a father who was doing it and thought, that's not something I want to do really because I'm on Facebook all the time. Since I didn't want to give it up intially it seemed like a good idea. The first three days were really hard. I had to remove the Facebook application from my phone eventually. I directed all the emails from Facebook into a specific folder so I wouldn't be tempted to read them. So what am I doing instead? Not as much as I thought I would. I am on the computer less, which is a good thing. I realize much of my time on Facebook was out of boredom. I'm trying to remind myself of more worthwhile activites in the real world. Scrappbooking, hanging out *in person* with friends (what a concept!), playing board games, talking about Jesus, sharing Jesus, reading, and I know praying should have been sooner on the list but this is where it occurred to me to mention. I may have watched a little T...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.