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Showing posts from March, 2014

Is there a shrink in the house?

It's been a reaaaaally long winter. If you don't live in the midwest you'll just have to take my word on it. Nearly broken snowfall records, dreary days on end and I have gone a bit crazy. Okay I guess 'crazier' is the proper word. Family stuff. Work stuff. Life stuff. I feel like a bear waking up from hibernation; like the woman who's been living my life for the last six months was a different me. And she was in a way. The last six months have been crazy. Good and bad. Exciting and disappointing. High and low.  I have experienced all the rollercoasters of life again and emerge...okay. Certainly not unscathed. Definitely not the same. Three steps forward, two steps back but hopefully still ahead at the end of the day. Back in September my last living grandparent passed away. Harry Patten was 95 and 3/4 years old. Just about three months shy of his 96th birthday. It was hard but no unexpected. But there is no real preparedness for losing a loved one. God ga...