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Showing posts from March, 2012

Amplify Poem Revised (because no poem is finished; it's just the latest version)

Looking for Love (a poem for all my “kids”)   bombarded by lies this world would have you buy… like you need to be coupled, you’re nothing without a guy, or sex equals love, buy her dinner and she’ll get the clue. but there is much involved they purposely don’t tell you. the promises of sex are empty and void; there’s pain, hurt and damage we should want to avoid. sex is not a handshake, a fist bump, a high five… it’s soul to soul contact where’s there is a lasting impact long after the moment is gone. you are precious jewels , one and all , more valuable than someone’s play doll. Jesus fulfills more than any on earth. don’t sell yourself short; he sees your true worth. His joy is greater and lasts forever. His love is larger and never ends. while this world offers love with conditions and strings, God’s love does not depend on what you do or what you bring. you don’t have to fear what’s on yo...