In late February of 2011, something within was starting to shift. The last weekend of February was terrible. I mean really bad. I felt so awful and hated myself and didn't see much past the darkness of my heart, mind and soul. I was studying Isaiah in one bible study and 1, 2, & 3 John in another. My leader for the Isaiah study didn't mind getting texts so Sunday night I text-ed her a prayer request. She was encouraging and I didn't tell her much of anything but I used specific words I had never used before. I came very close of naming my secret sin. That was totally the Holy Spirit at work. I'm sure I wouldn't have done that on my own. When we went through that week's study I had a lot to think about in terms of God freeing the Israelites after 70 years in captivity. It struck me that I was in captivity, but that thought didn't stick around long. A friend in that study talked to me more in depth the next night and I confessed some stuff to her. It was ...