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Showing posts from June, 2011

At least there's sunshine today

I am so not in the mood to write. This leads me to the conclusion that I should not only be writing but writing more.   I love having a writing voice. I love expressing myself with words. I love words. I love $5 dollar words. Learning new, obscure or outdated words is a game for me. Pleonastic*, plethora*, etymology*, and illuminate* are just a few of my favorites.   I recall reading an article (I don’t remember when) that reported we, as a culture or society, are losing words. The vocabulary available just decades ago has been drastically reduced. Shakespeare’s time, we are not.   I wonder why? I suspect technology and the fact that most do not read for pleasure. The second point has some to do with the first point but more on that later. I know there are those who still enjoy curling up on the couch with a throw and diving into a good book (or an e-reader if you must Mom). As an adult, I have numerous friends who don’t really like to read. I remember b...

Who Says Indeed

Didn't get interested in this song til a friend posted it on her blog. And weeks later I finally watched. So here it is. Hoping and praying Selena can stay true to herself and not be so corrupted by Hollywood and such like so many Disney starlettes before her.

Getting Off My Lazy Butt (Part 1)

Sorry, language. I know. So I need to be blogging.  I've had lots of great things happen and there's all these jumbled thoughts in my head that I should really get out. To start off this series, I'm not sure when I first accepted Christ. As a friend of mine would say, "I was saved from a sinful wretched life at the age of two." That means I don't really have an exact date or even know what year of my life I decided to follow Jesus. I grew up in church, practically at church, and had strong Christian legacies from both my mom and my dad's sides of the family. I read my bible sometimes, I paid attention in church, I usually tried to do the right thing.  Except of course when I wasn't. Which is a lot more than many of the adults around the kid me knew. I was a terror child sometimes. I disobeyed my mom, stole money from her at a young age and acted out at home.  At church I seemed the perfect little angel.  But due to extenuating circumstances, mo...