I am so not in the mood to write. This leads me to the conclusion that I should not only be writing but writing more. I love having a writing voice. I love expressing myself with words. I love words. I love $5 dollar words. Learning new, obscure or outdated words is a game for me. Pleonastic*, plethora*, etymology*, and illuminate* are just a few of my favorites. I recall reading an article (I don’t remember when) that reported we, as a culture or society, are losing words. The vocabulary available just decades ago has been drastically reduced. Shakespeare’s time, we are not. I wonder why? I suspect technology and the fact that most do not read for pleasure. The second point has some to do with the first point but more on that later. I know there are those who still enjoy curling up on the couch with a throw and diving into a good book (or an e-reader if you must Mom). As an adult, I have numerous friends who don’t really like to read. I remember b...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.