I haven't post in a while. After I got all excited about getting back to posting I got too busy to blog. Sounds like a good excuse but it's not. And now my computer is a little, shall we say, malfunctioning. It's an older laptop, from 2005. Ancient in computer terms. And it won't boot. The good news is up until the week I'd been doing my Light Therapy consistently and regularly. This week I let other priorities get in the way and I slacked off. Not so tomorrow morning. I'm getting up early and spending some time with God before I drive back to Indy to help my friend move. Plus I need to finish my BSF homework too. My heart has been breaking as we go through the last few chapters of John. There's so much I didn't know historically about the Jewish legal system in Jesus' time. I feel so blessed to have the Old and New Testaments to be able to see the complete story of God's plan for humanity. To see all the OT prophecy fulfillment ...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.