I started writing poetry at 7 and at 13 (seriously), then again at 15 and started again at 18 and then it stuck for several semesters, started again at 22, 29, 36, and 39. Stay tuned for further updates. I started writing poetry because I fell in love with the word sordid and I wrote 50 different poems using that word in a variety of situations and then I fell out of love with the word and instead became infatuated with the word paradigm but that didn’t work out at all because I never did figure out what a paradigm was other than it wasn’t a pair of dimes. I started writing poetry to be rebellious. I started writing poetry because there was nothing better to do on that cold wet snowy day when the big blizzard hit and all the electricity went out. It was fine during the day since there was plenty of light to write by but then the sun went away like it always does for the night and I was afraid to write by candle light because I’ve got this fear of fire. I started writing poetry so I cou...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.