God is so good. No seriously, He's reallly goood. I'm on two weeks of consecutive devotions now. I'll be the first to admit that some days have been more productive and fruitful than others, but some form of prayer, scripture reading and mediation time with Jesus has happened. HOW COOL IS THAT?! The difference I see in myself from just two weeks of walking after/seeking God is great. I'm joyful even when it hurts to walk. I'm a smile factory. I see so much beauty in people. Not to say I'm perfect by any means. There were tests that I failed. I gave into having a bad attitude about someone this weekend. I'm trying to change my heart and debating whether I should say something to them. I sped on my road trip to Kentucky. Not terribly but still I was above the posted limit. (Yeah, it's a speed LIMIT, not a speed MINIMUM...still trying to respect that.) That's the great thing about God. I messed up; I repented and asked God to help me ...
My journey, chronic depression, book/games reviews and a little poetry.