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Showing posts from February, 2009
God is so good. No seriously, He's reallly goood. I'm on two weeks of consecutive devotions now. I'll be the first to admit that some days have been more productive and fruitful than others, but some form of prayer, scripture reading and mediation time with Jesus has happened. HOW COOL IS THAT?! The difference I see in myself from just two weeks of walking after/seeking God is great. I'm joyful even when it hurts to walk. I'm a smile factory. I see so much beauty in people. Not to say I'm perfect by any means. There were tests that I failed. I gave into having a bad attitude about someone this weekend. I'm trying to change my heart and debating whether I should say something to them. I sped on my road trip to Kentucky. Not terribly but still I was above the posted limit. (Yeah, it's a speed LIMIT, not a speed MINIMUM...still trying to respect that.) That's the great thing about God. I messed up; I repented and asked God to help me ...

How can I be silent?

Well. It's official. I stink at blogging so far. But I'm doing good on my daily devotions; some days better than others but I'm nine days strong! I still marvel at how well my days go when I read my Bible, spend time with God and pray in the morning. It's a great way to start off and sets me joyfully onto the day's journey. So today, well actually it was yesterday that was Wed morning as opposed to the nearly 2am it is now Thursday morning... Anywhoo, I finished up my study guide questions on Chapters 11 & 12 of Mark Cahill's book "One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven for Wednesday Nite Bible Study. The one thing Mark's talking about is sharing your faith in Jesus with someone who doesn't believe. What struck me the most of was chapter 11--A Pocket Full of Tickets. I don't want to get to the end of my life, die and stand before Jesus with "a pocket full of tickets to Heaven." I want to have offered those tickets to every...

I forget...what did God do again?

Doing good this week. Did devotions the last two days but didn't take time to blog. I think I did the more important item so it's all good. Question. Why is the human memory so long for some things and so short for the things that matter? In Numbers 9:1-14 the Lord says to Moses that the Isrealites should celebrate Passover; a commeration of the final plague in Egypt that God's people had been spared from. According to the passage it's been 2 years since leaving Egypt. Back in Exodus 12 God gave Moses instructions for the people for the first Passover when they were about to exit Egypt. The Isrealites were to put some of the blood of the lamb on the sides and tops of their doorframes where they were eating the lamb, which had to be without defect. The angel of the Lord came through Egypt and all the firstborn (men and animals) were struck down, but when the angel saw the blood on the door frames he "passed over" the Isrealites houses. In the two years time ...

BSF Study Starting Numbers

Can I just say yesterday was amazing?  I got up early and did my devotions before work and the day just flew by.  I was so joyful.  At work.  I'm a sunny person in the lab most of the time anyway but Monday I was in a spiritual zone. But today is (well was) a new day.  I got up seriously early for one of my days off and read the first four chapters of Numbers.  Sounds boring right? It wasn't. Praying prior to reading the Bible makes a big difference.  I've been asking God to show me His truth as I read.  I've been reminding myself that the Bible is "...God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16).  The Bible is " and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) Anywhoo, back to Numbers.  The Isrealites have been out o...

BSF Study Finishing Up Leviticus

Leviticus 26 is a good read. It's the blessings and punishments the Lord details to the Isrealites for obeying or disobeying the decrees and laws handed down at Mt. Sinai. First God lays out the blessings and they are wonderful. Abundant crops, peace, victory over enemies, God dwelling and walking among the people...the first 13 verses are brimming with promises of rewards for obeying God's decress and law. Then, dude, there's a lot of punishments. And yes, they are terrible. The consequences of disobeying God are numerous and destructive and, quite frankly, depressing. Four times, in verses 18, 21, 24 & 28, God says that He will punish their sins 7x over. That's heavy. But all this despair is not without hope. Starting in verse 40 God shows the way out of disobedience and wrath....confess their (the Isrealites) sins, humble their uncircumcised hearts and pay for their sins (by the sin offering set up earlier in the Law). THEN God says He will not reject them,...

Let's Try This Again

Huh. Wish it was still Thursday. Then I could say, "I never could get the hang of Thursdays." Two days. I blogged two days and got sidetracked and already I need to restart. Sometimes I think I try too hard but other times I don't think I'm trying hard enough. Billy Joel wrote a great song call "Extremes." I agree with the lyrics, "Darling, I don't know why I go to extremes. Too high or too low there ain't no in between." Perhaps, perchance, just maybe I've gotten a little too ambitious. Instead of adding one more book I don't have the time to read to the reading list why don't I just blog about my current Bible study (or studies as the case often is). That way it's something I'm already reading so I know it will get done. I'll just add a little dimension and put some of my thoughts out here. For no one to read. Except my mom. Wow, I didn't think it sounded that sad in my head! Ha. So here's to a new da...